Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The end of the road.

As the originator and organiser of Biblio Turismo I advise that it has ceased to function.

Biblio Turismo was started in 2006 as a marketing exercise to help publicise public libraries to their local area.

Over the years Biblio Turismo was sponsored by Gosford city Council, Libraries Alive! And Keith Ainsworth. Each year we printed limited quantity t shirts to celebrate each ride which were distributed for free to visiting library staff. I thank the sponsors for their support. I would like to particularly give special mention to Ian and Sherrey McCallum, Pam and Brian Young , Richard and Helen Zobec and Alan  Arnold, Lon Alvaloine and  Ross Balharrie.

Biblio Turismo would not have been the success it was without the support of the staff at the then Gosford City Library which I was proud to be the City librarian.

More than thirty librarians on motorbikes joined me on our odyssey over the fourteen years we operated. We rode in rain, high winds, searing heat and even snow. We covered over twelve thousand kilometres and visited over ninety public library buildings in NSW several more in the ACT and Victoria. We have been welcomed at the National Library of Australia and the Federal Parliament Library

There has been articles in numerous newspapers, TV and radio interviews and coverage on social media. Coverage has even extended to the USA.

Biblio Turismo has most probably been the longest running marketing program for public libraries in New South Wales.

My two Ducatis have also been in more public libraries than any other vehicle possibly in the world.
Finally thank you to all the public librarians who greeted us with open arms, fed us refreshments and showed us what is meant by Country hospitality.

Safe Travels.

Alan Anthony Flores

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