Thursday, November 22, 2018

On Friday, seven librarians on their motorbikes dropped by the Bega and Tura Marrang libraries as part of their 13th annual tour. Of the 350-odd public libraries in the state, Biblio Turismo has visited about half during their time on the road.

Team leader Alan Flores said it was initially a fun ride around the state, but has turned into a marketing exercise for public libraries.

“We’re hoping to encourage younger people to see librarians in a different light,” Mr Flores said.

“And it’s about raising the profile of country public libraries and their important place in the communities they serve.”

As an interesting aside, Mr Flores said he was the first librarian for the Bega Valley Shire, helping to set up the initial library service in 1975.  From Bega, the riders were heading up the mountain to Bombala and Dalgety.

 Members of Biblio Turismo in the Bega library on Friday are Alan Flores, Sherry Quinn, Pam and Brian Young, Helena Zobec, Ian McCallum and Richard Marson. Picture: Ben Smyth

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