As we entered the outskirts of Parkes a gorgeous woman on an Italian bike flagged us down. She told us that we could not enter the town unless she led us in. Who was I to argue with a lady, so we grouped up and followed her into town and as we did photographers filmed us along the way. Soon we entered the street graced by the library and were greeted by about thirty people including councillors, the general manager and library staff and two of the original crew from BT 1 , Ian and Sherrey from Canberra. The helmeted women turned out to be the library manager who then invited us into her library for refreshments. Of course some of us took her literally and rode our bikes in. There followed more photos and lots of food and talk about libraries and bikes. We thanked the Councillors and parted company.

We were soon off again for the short ride to Forbes and more refreshments and wonderful stories from an 82 year old that managed the library’s local history collection. He used to ride a 1941 Harley and told us of his many trips on it.

We were soon off again for the short ride to Forbes and more refreshments and wonderful stories from an 82 year old that managed the library’s local history collection. He used to ride a 1941 Harley and told us of his many trips on it.
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