Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Wednesday evening we had the twelfth annual meeting of Biblio Turismo. The items on the agenda included what we should drink, what we should eat and where will we go next year.

Ian consulted with everyone re the first two items then made a executive decision.

After being told by Pam that as long as we can put a leg over the saddle we should continue to ride we decided to go south next year and do a Murray River Run. it was moved and adopted that I would further consult and then decide on the route and invite everyone to come along.

The next morning we had a short ride to Sanctuary Point Library but Brian had other ideas. We were to go to SP via the aerodrome and so we did. Brian sped off as if he was on the aerodrome and at warp speed i lost him. Pam remained in sight but only if I stayed on 140km/h.


The ramp into the library was tight but never say never and ian and Brian helped to manhandle the Duke into the library wher I gave a wonderful performance at storytime and most of the children had their pictures taken on the bike.


Soon we were off south to Ulladulla, Alan Arnold's home town. We again got the Duke inside and took pics and talked with staff and customers.


Off again to Nowra. Outside of Milton I heard the sound of sirens nd had a Highway patrol on my tail, but he was not after me but off to escort a car carrying a woman in labour to hospital.


Nowra greeted us with the ususal love and affection, bike inside, storytime and pics and food.


Then off for another dinner with helen and Richard.  


We don't get this in the

 big smoke


Biblio have arrived


Sanctuary Point library staff





I don't think this was in my

 job description

That's better, now in uniform


Right said Fred all of us together, 

one each end steady as she goes




Thursday's Biblio club meeting


Did you say something?


The Duke in one more library

Filed under Transportation


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