The man in shorts on a mountain bike looked at me when we stopped and I looked back. The Glock on his hip indicated that the Australian Federal Police standards were slipping. Where was the car? He cycled over, looked me up and down put his hand to his revolver and told me to” Piss off; we’re waiting for real terrorists”.

A likely story Mr Flores, now get on your bike, but officer I'm on my bike?
I thought I should outrun him; it wasn’t going to be easy as my bike only had 130 horsepower and his had none. Just then Roxanne Missingham, the Parliamentary Librarian came running down the grassy knoll like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. She begged the cop to holster his gun and let us go. He was not convinced and called for backup.

It's ok Alan, it's only a small bullet wound....
Only the presence of Dr Andrew Leigh, member for Fraser and his photographer saved the day.

Dr Andrew Leigh dropped by for a chat and to verify if a motorcycle librarian gang really did exist...We were classified mostly harmless...recomendation provide 500 million dollars funding to Australian public libraries....I'm sure that's what he said...

After the 500 million annual funding bill for Australian Public Libraries was passed we all posed for a photo...
A first for Biblio as we passed through the metal detector to enter the big house. “Bloody big, I heard Brian say, “nothing like this in Griffith”. “10,000 workers a day?” he went on, “more than the population of the Riverina.”
Afternoon tea in the staff room with Library staff and Senator Gary Humphries was a highlight. If Bibliog. keeps rubbing shoulders with any more dignitaries we might get a bad name. We talked and talked and forgot about the time.

“Where are you” the lady from the ABC radio asked. “Its 5.35 and you said you would be here in Dickson for an interview at 5.50. It’s Friday and peak hour. “She went on. “Who was that my fellow bikers asked?” “Oh nothing important”, I said, and then I turned to Pam and said “We need to ride, ride fast!”
The rest were sent to Civic Library to show the flag since I screwed up in the morning and Leon saved the day.
The monster eats traffic like toast, the car with its hood engulfed in smoke was not going to slow me down, lane splitting, red lights, speed limits, meant nothing. I entered the studio at 5.50, on time. Pam rode fast, real fast, however took a wrong turn and was last seen heading for Goulburn.
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