Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Civic Library

I returned to Civic Library to find the male contingent being surrounded by beautiful women telling them how nice Leon was and asking where was he. “Disappeared “I said. “Last seen on Commonwealth Avenue Bridge”. They were disappointed. Drove the monster through security point, had lots of pictures taken including one of a customer on the Duke and then off to dinner and find Leon.

Alan rides the Duke in the Civic Library
Opps, I have ridden into another library...

I think this Ducati has been in more library foyers than any other on the planet...

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Library staff and a Ducati go together like a horse and carriage...

Visiting a library near you....it's super Leon....


Ok, smile and then lets get out of here, there's a traffic cop....

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I was at the circulation counter and I checked out a book that was this big....

Ross showing how to get to the BT blog.
Yep, that's the Biblio Turismo blog, pretty impressive ehh...

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Amazing sculpture at the Civic, probably not ocean going though....

That night the whole gang including Leon dined at the club and told tales and true about the great rides of old and the Italian mountain passes and the bikes they still wish they had. It was agreed that a good biker needed seven bikes to ensure they had a bike for every occasion. Honda whipper snippers, outboards and mowers did not count.

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